What is FLUTE Architects?
Before understanding What is FLUTE Architects?, lets know something exciting factors about ‘FLUTE’.

Referring to the History of Architecture, ‘FLUTE’ Term came into existence in the period of Greek Architecture but still there is debate that originally Greek Architects used it or it is popularized in there period. Any how our idea here is to elaborate the use of it in the Ancient Architecture as Rhythm element in columns. So you observe vertical shallow grooves running not only in one directions and also there number on the column you can count based on the ORDER of the COLUMN. Look at the plenty examples of uses of FLUTING in many phases of Architecture such as EGYPTIAN, GREEK, ROMAN, RENAISSANCE ARCHITECTURE and many more.
Now coming to the present time even now there is passion to use FLUTE in interior design predominantly. There are variety of readymade materials such as FLUTED GLASS, FLUTED PANELS to name a few which are part of the CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE.
So in short, we can say there is no end to ‘FLUTE’ in ARCHITECTURE!

Generally everyone in the world knows FLUTE MUSIC INSTRUMENT. What a fabulous, fantastic and user friendly instrument is ‘FLUTE’. There is importance of it in the MUSIC as it blend with other type of instruments without loosing its own IDENTITY.
So we are really fascinated with the use of ‘FLUTE in MUSIC!
As we all know that FLUTE INSTRUMENT is diminishing its practice in the contemporary music. So we would like to create awareness in the public about its value and uses. It’s our sincere effort that we as an ARCHITECT make it as a SUSTAINABLE practice in whatever we do.
With the basic information of FLUTE in ARCHITECTURE and in MUSIC now you are keen to know who we are?
Lets introduce ourselves as the ARCHITECTS whom you can think of CREATING, ENHANCING, FULFILLING the requirement of SPACE for our clients i.e THE SPACE THAT IS BOUND BY THE PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN, SAFETY, COMFORT, EXISTANCE AND SUSTAINBLE PRACTICE. This is not what makes us UNIQUE but by REPEATATIVE USE OF THESE METHODOLOGY AND EXCELLENCE PRACTICE IN THE ARCHITECTURE FIELD TO EACH AND EVERY PROJECT irrespective of nature, culture, size and budget of the project so that IT HARMONISES WITH THE MICRO AND MACRO CLIMATE without losing our identity just like ‘FLUTE’.